We started from Syria, we are now all over the world

Syria is the first country in agriculture and one of the oldest regions to gain fame in this field, tadefs decided to make their products fertile, which released flowers (margi alzohour) in their pastures and released the pastures to this released company. relationship between past and present and future, buyer and progress for Syria and the world, generous nutritious species for grains and greens and export and import food.

Founded in 1970, the company expanded the scope of various agricultural outputs and expansion efforts at the beginning of agriculture.
  • Reserved and gravity for outputs.
  • Peeling, grinding and squeezing and drying of printouts.
  • Cleaning and sterilization for products.
  • Different products stocked in the working environment to guarantee reliability and nutritional value.

Then new stage started in the continuity with the world of import and export for food products. The company continuity with the world through the organizing visits continues to the important fairs world wide as exhibited of collin for foodstuffs in germany and seal in france and the arabic as exhibited of golf food in dubai, liked in purposefully the acquaintance on the technicians in the world update.

The products:

1- The seeds and legumes and grains: the beans, the chickpeas, popcorn, the lentils, rice, the grains (the wheat), white beans, black-eye beans, the sesame, the fenugreek, the peanuts, peas, black seeds, sun flower seeds, pumpkin seeds, melon seeds, egyptian seeds.
2- The spices: cumin,aniseeds, coriander, sumac.
3- Dried fruits: the fig, the dates, the apricot.
4- Others: the olive, oil of the olive, the pomegranate sauce, sesame oil.

The states which we export: Turkey, Canada, Emirates, Iraq, Lebanon, Holland, Spain, Bangladesh. Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Italy, France, Cyprus, Brazil, Libya, Sudan, Tunisia, Egypt. Algeria, Morocco.
The states which we import : Turkey, Australia, Egypt, China, Canada, Argentina, India, Vietnam, Sudan

Our Factories and Branches


Green Valley Kazakhstan

In addition to our companies Green Valley KZ and GTC, we grow crops on 42000 HA of land in Kazakhstan.


Green Valley Kazakhstan Factory

Kazakhstan Canned Lentils and Peas Factory

Bulgur, Lentil, Sesame factory in Syria

Madrid/Spain Branch
Novorossiysk/Russia Branch

We also have some pulses factories and branches in Syria